Fallen Beech

01/08/2015 21:55

We know of a child born in a manger under a giant star who was later was crucified on a hill, his body buried in a chamber. That child was Jesus Christ and the place Bethlemen. Through its legends, the faith Christianity has spread its message of tolerance across the globe .

Now suspend that belief for a moment, and imagine that this faith was stolen from an earlier faith, its symbols and festivals just replicas of a religion existing thousands of years before the man named Jesus Christ set foot upon Earth. Imagine even that the birthplace was not Bethlehem, but instead a windy hill deep in Neolithic Britain. Here exists the Manger, the Giant Star, the Hill of Death, and even a burial chamber. This site, best known for its highly stylized white horse is an area whose significance has confounded historians for generations, an area close to the holy sites of Stonehenge and Avebury and part of a chain running from one side of the country to the other 'St Michael's Alignment'.

"Then I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse! He who sat on it is called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and wages war. His eyes are a flame of fire, and on His head are many diadems; and He has a name written on Him which no one knows except Himself...From His mouth comes a sharp sword, so that with it He may strike down the nations, and He will rule them with a rod of iron; and He treads the wine press of the fierce wrath of God, the Almighty. And on his robe and on his thigh he has a name written, "KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS" Revelation 19.

The Phillistines worshipped a fertility God called Dagon. In the legend of the bible, this god was famously overthrown when Samson destroyed its temple sacrificing himself in the process. If you were to imagine that Dagon was half fish, it's not a giant leap to understand that he is indeed the dragon of our legends and in fact the slaying of the dragon was actually the subjugation of a Phillistine God. Perhaps, Christianity and Judaeism were myths constructed to subdue an earlier faith and relegate its beliefs to occult and tomfoolery. 

Look at this White Horse Hill, and you will see clearly the Shepherd's Steps, the Manger, Giant's Star, Dragon HillWayland's Smith and the King's stone. The floor of the burial chamber of Wayland's Smith built over three thousand years before Christ has a clearly marked cross which in Pagan times was a known fertility symbol. These sites all lie within three miles of each other and are located within easy reach of some of the most ancient and holy sites of Pagan Britain. Type in Uffington Castle on the Ordinance Survey and tell me if it is any less compelling than a virgin birth in the city of David?

Many people today believe stone age man was primitive and that science was invented by the Greeks and later by the Renaissance. This doesn't match with the precision of their monuments. It doesn't match with the connection of Avebury to Giza, Baalbeck and sites even as far away as South America and China. In fact, neolithic man had at his disposal a deep understanding of navigation and mathmatics. This was not man lumping stones. In fact, some of the stones are so vast, the precision so meticulous that even today's machines would struggle. How did they manage these feats? Is it conceivable that they harnessed an energy that we have forgotten or ignored today? 

On the other end of the scale, some believe in the existence of an unknown planet that is on an elliptical orbit to our sun. They theorize that this planet will return and bring with it terrible floods and disease. They call it Nibiru and postulate that its existence explains a number of unexplained phenomena as diverse as the Mayan calendar, Noah's flood and the Black Sun worshipped by Pagan societies. Could it be that there was an advanced society before our own and that they were wiped out by this catyclismic event? Could it be that our religious beliefs amount to little more than logical explanations of events of the past?

In Fallen Beech Matthew Dixon grew up in a society that indoctrinated him with the values of Christianity. Britain was the centre of civilization and the map was full of pink colored territories to prove it. His studies at Oxford University only reinforced a belief of superiority. Yet one day, he was confronted with a distorted reality, a challenge that maybe he wasn't so infallable after all. In Shanghai, he found out that his beloved Empire was built upon hypocrisy and funded by the sale of Opium. On top of this, he found his own life exposed as that Empire began to crumble. The woman he loved treated him as an object of manipulation, a foreigner who should ultimately be expelled. No matter how he tried, the ground on which he placed his hopes, buckled and bent into an ugly and desperate war. In that war, he was exposed to the primitive side of his nature, becoming a fanatic killer.

Exploring his conscience at the end of WWII, he is hit with the realization that the one unassailable element in his life was also not secure. His Christianity is exposed as a bundle of fakery, myths carried on and even stolen from an earlier brutal religion. Exacerbated further through his encounter with corrupt POW Lukas Armbrecht, Matthew finds himself in doubt of his own existence. Jeremy finds this out when discovering the diaries of his grandfather, a fate that in turn causes him in turn to question his beliefs.

Test your ability of faith by reading the book Fallen Beech.


Books by Paul Richard Sully are available on most online bookstores and may be purchased in hardback, paperback or in ebook format. All books may be acquired through the followig link . 

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